
Information About St Hilda's Moorland Governing Body

Danby School federated with Egton School on 16th September 2021 and a new governing body was convened.  Our federation is named St Hilda's Moorland Federation. 

Our Governors play a vital role in our school life.  Not only do they regularly meet as part of their role in the Leadership and Management of the school but they are also involved in many different aspects in the lives of the children whilst they are at school.  Our governors are friendly and approachable and you are most welcome to discuss any aspect of school life with them either as a parent, prospective parent or visitor to our school.

Governing Body Members - 

Mr Matthew White                    Foundation Governor (Chair of Governors) 

Mrs Sarah Tyreman                   Foundation Governor   (Vice-Chair)

Ms Clara Pickard                       Foundation Governor, appointed by the owners of the premises   (Safeguarding Governor)

Mrs. Claire Thorpe                     Foundation Governor, appointed by the owners of the premises   

Mrs Polly Wright                       Foundation Governor   (SEND Governor)

Rev. Sally Wilson                       Foundation Governor 

Mr Graham Stone                      Ex Officio (Danby)

Rev. Anthony Bennett                 Ex Officio (Egton)

Mrs June Lilley                         Local Authority Governor

Mrs. Liz Orland                        Head teacher  

Mrs Fiona Motteu                     Elected Teacher Governor 

Miss Georgiana Robertson        Co-opted Teacher Governor.               

Mrs Anna Watson                     Parent Governor  (Safeguarding Governor)

Mr Anthony Hunter                  Parent Governor 

NYC  Clerk                                Clerk to the Governing Body

Please click on each name to find further information on each individual governor. 

Every Maintained school has an instrument of government.  This is the legal document that states the name of the school and sets out the number and type of governors that make up the governing body.  Click on the links below to see our Instrument of Government and our current committees list.

St Hilda's Moorland Federation - Instrument of Government 

St Hilda's Moorland Federation - List of Committees 

Paper copies of our Governing Body Meeting Minutes are available via the School Office, free of charge.  (Please note that some items may have been minuted as 'Confidential' and therefore will not be available to view) 

If you are interested in becoming a governor for our school please do get in touch with us for further information. We would be very pleased to hear from you.


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